Sunday, February 21, 2010

So here we are...

There is something compelling me to fan the tiny flame of change that has recently began burning brightly. I am seeing with a new set of eyes, and a broader acceptance of the most basic needs in life.

You may ask, "What is minimalism?". There are many definitions pertaining to several facets of life, but what I have centered on "minimizing" are:

1. The effect of the industrialized food industry on my family's nutrition
2. Our physical footprint on future generations
3. Disappearing knowledge of non-invasive "natural" techniques

The recent changes and readjusting of priorities have led me to feel the need to share this journey. After all, sharing the successes and failures of this adventure may help to strengthen the core set of principles that are growing, but still a foundation for a much larger ideal.

This small piece of virtual paper will be the place for this family to share a lifelong pilgrimage of minimal proportions.

~ Rolling digital paper ~
~~ Placing into bottle ~~
~~~ Throwing into the virtual sea ~~~

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